Anonymous feature

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2 users

We regret to inform you that due to some love quarrel, the anonymous feature has decided to divorce with clever dodo. The anonymous feature has since embarked on a journey of non anonymous life which implies that whenever you click on 'ask anonymously '' , you will be exposed.... and if you are thinking of deleting an embarassing question, don't worry we have a delete button which is among the best in the world. It is so effective that it deleted itself o_O

2 Replies

gices Level 6

Aye...I thought the anonymous feature was currently disabled in all communities because it's not yet implemented. Which community has it set?

And if you posted something "anonymously" (not that it's working), I will delete it for you straight away.

Btw the features may all leave but as long as you don't divorce Clever Dodo, I'm happy with that :)

PS: Check this FAQ section to see how to bold/italised and create links.

2 Reply
gices Level 6

I've seen where anonymous posting was accidentally enabled and I've removed it. This feature is on my TODO list but not a priority at the moment as not many people use it.

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